Monday, October 24, 2011

Bowen's Birthday Bash

 Well I have 2 test this week, starting tomorrow, and im on my couch flipping back and forth from the chew and ina. (the chew is a new day time talk show/food show on abc with Mario Batalli, Michael Symon and a few other celebrity chefs and tv personalities) It’s a great way to avoid my communications law notebook sitting on the coffee table. In avoidance of studying and a way of faking productivity,  I thought i'd do a little updating on SPICE. I have to say Bowens bday was Friday and I think it was my favorite day ive ever had because of how happy it made the birthday boy. I prepared for his bday party non stop all week and Friday was filled with the finishing touches. I was up late Thursday having nightmares about party mishaps and up early Friday morning, finishing last minute errands. I could almost put my money on it that I made more walmart/Kroger/ace hardware trips in this one week than in the entire semester. Lights, cups, flowers, balloons, tacks, drinks, more food, flowers, votives, vases, wicker baskets and the list goes on forever. But this is what I love to do. And seeing Bowen’s face as he walked in to his party was so priceless. I have never felt that kind of excitement for anything in seeing his happiness, that happiness wrapped up in his birthday party was worth every little last detail

Bowen's birthday present (yeti) and all the supplies on Monday, ready and waiting

practice run through on Tues-plates from Oxford floral/mirror was hanging on my wall in my bedroom 

Mollie made a chicken satay the day of the party and I grilled sausage for a sausage cheese plate

grilled sausage, basted with bbq sauce and finished with rendezvous rub-plated with sharp cheddar and pepperoni

all filled up and ready for the bday boy

heres a view of the room before the candle and lights were up-at this point the excitement was overflowing

cupcakes out along with spiced cheesenips (baked with ranch packets, dill, and crushed red pepper) and chocolate covered pretzels ( orange of course for Halloween)

Chicken satay with a homemade honey mustard sauce along side a  sausage cheese plate 

Bowen's man cave cups-i had these made a few weeks ago for his garage his is turning into a "man cave", thought they went nicely with his cooler-im sure he loved the bow (or maybe didn't notice)

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